ocr: (a) B. P. 10 b) - - * - 10 (c) 1 - * : 4 a: 10 (d) (c) E - 10, () I B: L (g) Figure 2: The ExtractMin() consolidation process. (a) Tbe beap after insenting zelues 0-12 and extracting 0.. NVou, san) jrom 11 andi consolidate be beup; (b). 10, and 71 botis bad degree zero, 30 ere. joined; (CSand 9 werejoned (d)8and 10 both bad degree one; (e 76.5, and 4 were consolidated. Eight and 4 both bad degree fen: ig) Finishedd. One. bas degree. zer, 2 has degree one, 4 bas degrer three. Note that every element is. smaller than all of is cbildren.